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Dial tone but can't dial out

This is typically due to your IP phone (adapter) being set up incorrectly or not being able to contact our telephony servers. Here is some information to help you resolve the issue.

  • Try switching your equipment off and on incl. your Internet connection. Also, turn off your Internet connection even if you can otherwise get online!
  • Make sure you have internet connection.
  • Check to see if we have any operational disruptions.
  • Have you put the phone in the correct telephone socket in a possible adapter "Line 1 / Phone 1"?
  • Check the setup of your equipment. Typical errors are:
    • Leftovers from other providers. If you have previously used your equipment in connection with another provider, we recommend that you reset it before following our instructions.
    • Do not enter quotation marks (") mentioned in our set-up guides.
    • "Display Name" must not contain a phone number. or numbers only. Enter your name or leave the field blank.
    • The character | in the dial plan can be found on most PC keyboards by pressing the "Alt Gr" + button to the left of the "backspace" / "<--" button. On Mac, find it by pressing "alt" / "option" + I (i). It is best to copy the dial plan from the instructions.
    • Your phone uses pulse and not tone dial. This most often happens with old phones that do not have a tone dial or where children have come to switch from tone to pulse dial via a button under the phone. All adapters we sell and have sold can only handle newer phones with tone dial.

Help Topic HT040057. Published 26 August 2004. Updated 25 January 2021.

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