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Setup Guide

Cisco SPA-122, Linksys, Sipura SPA-2100, 2102 Adapter

How to set up your adapter for use with Redspot IP Telephony.


If you have previously used your equipment in connection with. another vendor, we recommend that you reset it before following our instructions to remove "leftovers". See how to reset your equipment at the bottom of the page.

As this adapter contains traffic prioritization, it must be connected as the first device after your ADSL router or cable modem if traffic prioritization is to work.

  1. Connect the network cable to the INTERNET / WAN network socket on the adapter and to your internet connection (cable modem or ADSL router). The adapter must be located as the first device.
  2. Connect the network cable to the ETHERNET / PC / LAN network connector on the adapter and to your computer.
  3. Connect power.
  4. Make sure you have an internet connection through the adapter. If not, check your cables. If you have internet via cable TV, it may be necessary to contact your provider to get them to open the adapter's MAC address at the bottom.
  5. Connect a phone to the adapter.
  6. Open Internet Explorer or the browser you are using and access the adapter's website via its IP address:
    • Cisco SPA122:
    • Newer Linksys:
    • Older Linksys
  7. Cisco: Enter "admin" as your username and password and log in. Linksys: Click [Admin Login] and then [Advanced] in the upper right corner.


Select [Voice] in the menu and enter / select below under the mentioned menu items. Values ​​in quotation marks ("value") are entered without quotation marks.

  • [Regional]:
    • Hook Flash Timer Min: "0.1"
    • Callee On Hook Delay: "30"
    • FXS Port Impedance: "600"
    • CallerID method: "DTMF (Denmark)"
  • [SIP]:
    • RTP Packet Size: "0.020"
  • [Line1]:
    • Line enable: "Yes"
    • NAT mapping enable: "No"
    • NAT Keep Alive Enable: "No"
    • SIP Port: "5070". Enter "5071" if you are setting up [Line 2].
    • Restrict Source IP: "Yes"
    • Xfer When Hangup Conf: "No"
    • Proxy: ""
    • Register: "Yes"
    • Register Expires: If you have a fixed IP address then enter "3600". If not or if in doubt then enter "600"
    • Use DNS SRV: "Yes"
    • DNS SRV Auto Prefix: "Yes"
    • Display Name: Your name (must not contain numbers as well as æøå etc.)
    • User ID: Your phone number
    • Password: Your password (from the welcome email)
    • Use Auth ID: "No"
    • Dial Plan: "(112|xxxxxx|xxxxxxxx|00x.|*xx*x.|*xx|**x.)" -  use copy and paste!

Click the [Submit All Changes] button.

Call waiting

By default, call waiting is on. You will hear the pling if you are talking and someone else is trying to call you. You can switch between the calls by pressing the "R-Key". If you want a busy tone to be given to the other caller, turn off call waiting by changing [User 1] "CW Setting" to "no".

Sound level and quality

You can adjust the volume of your phone by changing the "FXS Port Output Gain" and adjusting the volume of your counterpart by adjusting the "FXS Port Input Gain" - both on the [Regional] tab. An increase of 3 corresponds to a doubling of the volume. Note, however, that too much "FXS Port Input Gain" causes echo at your end and should be avoided.

If others experience that you audio is choppy, you upstream speed is too slow. Complain to your provider and look under "Solutions to typical problems" below.

Danish tones

To get Danish tones etc. correct the following under [Regional]:

  • Dial Tone: "425@-19;15(*/0/1)"
  • Busy Tone: "425@-19;15(.25/.25/1)"
  • Ring Back tone: "425@-19;*(1/4/1)"
  • Off Hook Warning Tone: "[email protected];*(.25/.25/1)"
  • SIT1 Tone: "950@-16,1400@-16,1800@-16;20(.33/0/1,.33/0/2,.33/1/3)"
  • SIT2 Tone: "425@-16;15(.25/.25/1)
  • SIT3 Tone: "425@-16;15(.125/.125/1)
  • Ring 1 Cadence: "60(1/4)"
  • CWT Frequency: "425@-10"

And under [SIP]: Response Status Code Handling

  • SIT1 RSC: "404, 484, 503"
  • SIT3 RSC: "5??"

Traffic Prioritization / Quality of Service (QoS)

For this service to work, it is very important that you specify the actual upstream speed (for a 2048/256 connection, upstream is the second number, ie 256 Kb (Kilo bit)). However, you typically cannot trust what your provider is telling you. Therefore, make measurements at different times of the day and note the lowest speed. You typically achieve the lowest speed between kl. 18 and 20 on weekdays. If the lowest speed is below 100 Kbit, your internet connection is too slow and you will experience nicks in the sound.

  • [Network Setup]
    • Click [Application] and then [QoS]
    • QoS Policy: "On When Phone in Use"
    • Upstream Bandwith: Your maximum measured upstream speed in Kb (Kilo bit) minus 5-10%
  • [WAN Setup]
    • QoS QDisc: TBF
    • Maximum Uplink Speed: Your maximum measured upstream speed in Kb (Kilo bit) minus 5-10%

If the value entered is too high, QoS will not work and those you call may experience the notch in the sound when you simultaneously transfer data to / from the network.

Resetting the adapter to factory defaults

This will delete the entire setup! Lift the handset of the phone and enter ****73738# listen to the voice message and confirm by pressing 1.

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