Setup Guide

Acrobits Softphone and Groundwire apps (New platform)

Note that this guide is only if you have received a username starting with "user_" for our new platform! quoted values ​​("value") are entered without quotes. 

Acrobits has developed two different apps for Android and iOS:

  • Acrobits Softphone with basic features. Download
  • Acrobits Groundwire with extended features especially suitable for business use. Download

How to set up your Acrobits Softphone and Groundwire for use with Redspot.

The first time you launch the app, it may display an account creation screen. Exit this until you are on the main screen.

  1. Tap "Keypad" at the bottom.
  2. Tap "" on the upper right.
  3. Select "SIP accounts".
  4. Tap "+" on the upper right.
  5. Select "Generic SIP Account" and enter the following in the fields:
    1. Title: "Redspot"
    2. Username: Your user id starting with "user_".
    3. Password: Your password supplied with your user id.
    4. Domain: "" where "sXXXXX" is to be replaced with your subscrption id.
  6. Tap "Incoming Calls".
    1. Select "Use Global Settings".
    2. Tap "Push Options".
      1. Single Instance: On.
      2. Tap "< Back" on the upper left.
    3. Tap "< Back" on the upper left again.
  7. Tap "Advanced Settings" and enter the following in the fields:

    1. Proxy: "".
    2. VoiceMail Number: "*98" (only available on Groundwire)
    3. Tap "< Back" on the upper left.
  8. Tap "Save" on the upper right.
  9. Tap "< Settings" on the upper left.
  10. Tap "Done" on the upper right.

The "Redspot" button at the top left should now change colour from red to green.

If you use slow connections and experience nicks in the sound, we recommend that you buy the G.729 Codec which requires much less bandwidth and is more insensitive to less good internet connections. The codec is purchased in the App itself.

Using Push functionality

Push is great for reducing battery power consumption and makes receiving incommming calls more reliable, but If you use Push the app must store your phone number and password on Acrobit's servers to work. We have no reason to doubt the security of Acrobits servers, but note that you are ultimately responsible for all calls made with your username and password.

Get started with Redspot IP Telephony

Become well equipped to use Redspot IP telephony. Learn more


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Solutions to typical technical problems. Learn more

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Details about service issues and planned maintenance. Learn more