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Generel opsætningsvejledning (Ny platform)

Instructions for setting up phones, adapters, apps and PBXs (from here on referred to as devices) on our new platform

Note that this guide is only if you have received a username starting with "user_" for our new platform or are using Redspots hosted PBX!  

Use our preffered setup for the newest devices like Gigaset IP-phones and our alternative seup for devices that do not support NAPTR DNS records like Acrobits Softphone and Groundwire apps.

Quoted values ​​("value") are entered without quotes. The labels may differ slightly.

Preferred setup

This is the preferred setup for newest devices that support NAPTR and SRV DNS records. If your device does not support NAPTR DNS records, you can use the alternative setup.

  • Use NAPTR/SRV DNS/Auto Lookup: "Yes" (Not always selectable and will then usually be used as standard).
  • SIP Server/Host/SIP Proxy/Domain/Realm: "" where "sXXXXX" is to be replaced with your subscrption id.
  • SIP Registrar Server: "" where "sXXXXX" is to be replaced with your subscrption id.
  • SIP Outbound Proxy, Port: Must all be blank / inactive.
  • SIP Protocol: "UDP".
  • SIP Userid: Your user id starting with "user_".
  • Authenticate ID / User: Your user id starting with "user_".
  • Authenticate Password: Your password supplied with your user id.
  • Single Instance: On (for apps that use Push Notification, like Acrobits Softphone and Groundwire).

Alternative setup

Follow this guide if your device does NOT support NAPTR DNS records, like Acrobits Softphone and Groundwire apps. This setup supports SRV DNS records and has fallback to A DNS records for clients that don't support SRV records. Note that using A records only is not recommended since you won't have latency based routing to our nearest SIP server and will have no failover! 

  • Use SRV DNS/Auto Lookup: "Yes" (Not always selectable and will then usually be active, if supported. If not it will fallback to using A records).
  • Domain/Realm: "" where "sXXXXX" is to be replaced with your subscrption id.
  • SIP Server/SIP Proxy/Host/SIP Registrar Server: "".
  • Port: Must be blank / inactive if your client supports SRV records, otherwise use Port: 7000.
  • SIP Protocol: "UDP".
  • SIP Userid: Your user id starting with "user_".
  • Authenticate ID / User: Your user id starting with "user_".
  • Authenticate Password: Your password supplied with your user id.
  • Single Instance: On (for apps that use Push Notification, like Acrobits Softphone and Groundwire).


  • VoiceMail Number: *98

Additional settings

These settings might have to be set, but are often not necessary or already set correctly as standard.

  • Name: Your name (only included with other IP phones and must not contain numbers or special characters etc.).
  • Local Port: "5070".
  • Use NAT / NAT keep alive: "No".
  • Use STUN: "No".
  • Silence suppression: No (Can also be specified as: Transmit Silence: Yes)

Firewall settings

It is generally not necessary to setup any firewall rules or port forwarding. In fact we strongly warn against doing so, since it severely can impact your service. If you absolutely have to set firewall rules, please contact us.


Please refer to your device's user guide.

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