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Setup Guide

Older Bria app for Apple iOS and Android

How to set up your Bria app for use with Redspot IP Telephony. If you have a newer Bria Solo version that requires an account with Bria (Counterpath), you should instead use the guide for Bria Solo


Quotation Values ​​("Value") are entered without quotes.

  1. Tap "Settings" at the bottom right and then "Accounts" and "+" to add a new account.
  2. Touch "SIP - Making Calls"
  3. Enter / select below under the mentioned items.
    • Account Name: "Redspot"
    • Display as: Your name (must not contain numbers as well as æøå etc.).
    • Username: Your phone number
    • Password: Your password from the welcome email.
    • Domain: ""
    • Enabled: "Off" (set to on only when setup is complete)
  4. To allow or deny calls via mobile data, tap "Account Specific Features"
    • Disable Mobile Data: "On" = ban, "Off" = allow (seen on iPhone but not on iPad).
    • Disable VoIP Calls: "On" = ban, "Off" = allow.
  5. Touch "Account Advanced"
  6. Enter / select below under the mentioned items.
    • Global IP WiFi: "Off"
    • Global IP Mobile: "Off"
    • SIP Transport: "TCP"
    • Incomming Calls "On" to receive calls. Note that receiving calls does not always work on smartphones and often results in a higher power consumption.
  7. Press the button with the left arrow at the top left to go back.
  8. Now set Enabled to "On" and "Account Status" at the top of the page should switch to "Registered".
  9. Tap "Save" at the top right.
  10. Tap "Settings" at the bottom right and then "Advanced Settings".
  11. Press "Current Strategy", select "Application Managed" and press the button with the arrow at the top left to return.
  12. Set "Voice Activity Detection" to "Off".
  13. Press the button with the arrow at the top left to return.

If you use Bria via poorer internet connections, we recommend that you purchase the "G729 Audio Codec" under "Settings" - "Premium Features" as this codec requires significantly less bandwidth and is more tolerant of packet loss, resulting in better call quality.

Please note that if the phone is not connected via WiFi, Bria will use the data network (if switched on under point 4), which generates a lot of traffic, which can be very expensive, especially abroad. Therefore, call via WiFi if possible.

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